Friday, May 14, 2021

Job hunt update

I'm frustrated.

I've applied to what feels like 20+ jobs at this point, and I've had several interviews, but nothing has come to fruition. I'm getting ghosted a lot post-interview, too.

A particularly demoralizing point was last week, while I was on vacation, I went back to my hotel room in the middle of the day to have a phone interview with a CEO, and it ended with him telling me that the recruiter would be in touch in the next day or two. Well, it's been over a week, and I haven't heard anything from the recruiter, but on Monday LinkedIn was kind enough to notify me that there was a new posting - for the same position at that company.

I can usually tell exactly when things go wrong in interviews. Usually I give an answer that doesn't frame me in the right light, or I say something in a particularly annoying tone of voice. The problem is, knowing when it's happening doesn't help, because I can't undo it. 

I thought with my most recent interview Wednesday that I did a really good job. There were a couple of the traditional "asking about a weak spot" questions where I answered honestly and also mentioned how I had overcome those weak spots. I didn't say anything in an annoying tone of voice, either. It's possible they could still get back to me. I would like the position a lot, it's remote and the duties seem well within my wheelhouse.

In the meantime, though, I'm going to continue applying to anything I seem even remotely qualified for. Hopefully someone finds my work history appealing!

Update: Yeah, that job from Wednesday rejected me shortly after this post was published. Cue further frustration and discouragement.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

April net worth update

Another great month in April! The Marriott Amex is officially paid off, and balance transfers have happened for the Chase Sapphire. 

Here's my introduction post where I broke down my net worth in January, and here's a link to my February update and the March update.

Here's where my net worth stands now as of 4/30/2021:

  • Checking: $5,702.53 (This includes my most recent stimulus and a small bonus from work equal to one week's pay, received on 4/30.)
  • Short-term savings: $4,428.20 (This is several savings accounts: car repairs, car insurance [paid every six months], cat savings [I have two approaching-senior cats, and their vet bills are always a kick in the teeth], and vacation)
  • E*Trade: $524.61 (this is literally just a few shares in one stock that I've had since I was probably 12 or so?)
  • Retirement savings: $31,572.24 (Roth IRA) and $37,911.31 (401(k) - I'm also not fully vested yet, but the unvested amount is maybe $1k)
  • HSA: $1,310.92 cash, $8,359.14 invested = $9,670.06 (my HSA requires at least $1,000 in cash available to pay for expenses - anything over that, I just haven’t invested yet)
  • Condo: ~$120,000 (A recent listing for the same layout unit - but more recently remodeled - was listed at $198k.)

Total assets: $209,808.95

  • Credit card debt: ($21,985.11) (due to be paid off by September 2022)
  • Student loans: ($21,495.22) (mostly federal, and payments are suspended until September 30, 2021 - roughly $5.4k is private, so that's where I'm focusing my efforts) (private loan due to be paid off December 2022, and federal loans April 2023)
  • Car loan: ($609.42) (due to be paid off August 2021)
  • Affirm loan (I desperately needed a new mattress last year, as my 15+-year-old one was causing problems for my back, and Affirm was offering 0% and no fees for a 12 month loan of the purchase price): ($109.23) (due to be paid off in May 2021)
  • Mortgage: ($36,025.07) (due to be paid off November 2038 - before grad school, I made 8 months of principal-only payments that were the same amount as the mandatory principal+interest payments [not including escrow for taxes and insurance] and it cut 2.5 years off the life of my loan, which still blows my dang mind)

Total liabilities: ($80,224.05) 

Net worth: $129,584.90

My prior month net worth was $122,704.82, which means I've had an almost $7k gain in the past month! Once again it was almost entirely asset growth. I'm still pleased at the progress I'm making with my debt paydown. 

Two month (and change) check-in

The job change has had me more scrambled than I expected! I'm loving the new role, even though the commute is still pretty rough. (Hurra...